The QUILTBAG's Trans Community Fund is available for low income trans, non-binary, and two-spirit people to access gender affirming items from the store at no cost - this includes binders, gaffs, bras, packers, and other items depending on availability.
Donating to the Fund
Community donations help us keep this program running!
If you are interested in donating to the Trans Community Fund, you can simply add your donation amount to your cart using Donate Source, Paypal us directly here, or send an e-transfer directly to The QUILTBAG using the email address thequiltbag@gmail.com - make sure to write in the message field that your donation is for the Trans Community Fund.
Please note that we cannot provide tax receipts for donations at this time.
Fundraising opportunities
If you would like to set up a donation matching event/program with us, please reach out to thequiltbag@gmail.com
Accessing the Fund
Individuals can access the fund through a brief initial intake with staff or volunteers at the CHEW Project, the Pride Centre of Edmonton, altView, or Shades of Colour. The amount of funding that each person can access is determined based on a discussion around needs, and based on availability of funding. Typically each person receives sufficient funding for at least one gender affirming item.
If you are trans, non-binary, and/or two-spirit and interested in accessing the fund based on financial need, please contact one of our community partners for intake... they will get you set up to do some shopping!