Queer & Trans Wares

Trans Body Tape for Binding, Tucking, Packing

Trans Body Tape for Binding, Tucking, Packing

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We now carry three colors and two sizes of our very own Trans compression tape!

Tested, in store, by our lovely team!

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Our tape is a gender-affirming, body transformation system that's a backless and waterproof alternative to bras, binders, packers, gaffes, and other self-affirming products.

It’s made from a blend of 95% cotton and 5% spandex with a hypoallergenic medical grade acrylic adhesive that is latex free and non-medicated. 

Rolls are 16.5ft in length and can last for 1-3 months depending on activity level, chest size and how often you need to change your tape. Average use will typically last 2 months  

It’s waterproof and sweatproof meaning it can be worn in the shower, the pool and even in the ocean! 

*Rolls are UNCUT! meaning less wasted product and money! They are free of logos and advertising and are made of a matte material, resulting in a more natural looking chest. 

It does not compress the body, lungs or organs. It is intended for multiple day use. It is safe to sleep in and does not restrict breathing.  Do NOT wrap tape all the way around your torso, only apply from the sternum to under the armpit

Due to the bulky nature of the product it doesn't qualify for regular mail shipping throughout Canada.